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The in-game marketplace has a range of items. From cosmetic to very useful items such as shield to save you from attacks or insurance to auto revive your pet if the TOD runs out and it dies.

All items in the shop are traded with $FP against a linear bonding curve, the delta for each item can be seen in the shop.

There is a 10% fee when buying items that goes to referrals (See below).

Note: The referral system has been removed but if you were an early player that has referrals you will still earn these fees.


Fren Pet was released in a fair way via Base Swap outside of this website, The purchase of FP tokens does not constitute an investment contract or any form of investment advice. Fren Pet does no guarantee or make any promises about the future value or performance of the token, and the value of the token may fluctuate significantly. It might be illegal for you to own FrenPet depending on your jurisdiction, check with your local laws.